Date: Mon, 25 Jul 94 04:30:30 PDT From: Ham-Space Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Ham-Space-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Ham-Space@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Ham-Space Digest V94 #205 To: Ham-Space Ham-Space Digest Mon, 25 Jul 94 Volume 94 : Issue 205 Today's Topics: ANS-204 BULLETINS APT-Satellites: Report JULY 23, 1994 Giant leap via AO-21 Jupiter photos Portable 9600 buad PacSat Station Design Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Ham-Space Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-space". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 24 Jul 1994 20:28:10 MDT From:!!!!!alberta!ve6mgs! Subject: ANS-204 BULLETINS To: SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-204.01 PHASE-3D STATUS REPORT HR AMSAT NEWS SERVICE BULLETIN 204.01 FROM AMSAT HQ SILVER SPRING, MD JULY 23, 1994 TO ALL RADIO AMATEURS BT BID: $ANS-204.01 SSTV ON OSCAR 13 Phase-3D Spaceframe Arrives In Florida Following its completion at the Center for Aerospace Technology at Weber State University in Ogdon, Utah, the Phase-3D spaceframe arrived Monday, July 18th at the AMSAT Phase-3D Integration Facility now established at the Orlando International Airport. It now resides in the clean room which has just been completed at the facility. Dick Jansson (WD4FAB), AMSAT Vice President for Engineering, said that the spaceframe arrived in good shape after being trucked across the country. He indicated that the next job is a thorough inspection of all the various pieces and then applying special coating to them. Future ANS bulletins will provide updates on the progress of the Phase-3D integration as events warrant. [The AMSAT News Serive (ANS) wishes to thank Dick Jansson and Stan Wood (WA4NFY) for this information. ] /EX SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-204.02 AMSAT SPACE SYMPOSIUM DATES HR AMSAT NEWS SERVICE BULLETIN 204.02 FROM AMSAT HQ SILVER SPRING, MD JULY 23, 1994 TO ALL RADIO AMATEURS BT BID: $ANS-204.02 '94 AMSAT-NA Space Symposium Date Correction AMSAT-NA would like to correct an error in the 1994 Space Symposium registration form, which was distributed with the AMSAT Board of Directors ballots. The dates for the Symposium are Friday, Saturday, and Sunday October 7, 8 and 9, and NOT October 8, 9 and 10 as indicated. /EX SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-204.03 FAMOUS STS-65 SAREX CONTACT HR AMSAT NEWS SERVICE BULLETIN 204.03 FROM AMSAT HQ SILVER SPRING, MD JULY 23, 1994 TO ALL RADIO AMATEURS BT BID: $ANS-204.03 Former Apollo-11 Astronaut Talks To STS-65 Astronauts With SAREX On Saturday July 16, the 25th anniversary of the liftoff of Apollo-11 on its historic journey to the moon, General Thomas Stafford (Ret), a former NASA astronaut who flew on-board several Gemini and Apollo missions, exchanged greetings with STS-65 mission commander Robert Cabana, KC5HBV, using the Shuttle Amateur Radio Experiment (SAREX) radio. General Stafford was in Oklahoma City attending the Airshow America. Using the SAREX telebridge, General Stafford was able to communicate with Commander Cabana first through a ground station in Hawaii and then through a ground station in San Diego. A special phone patch also allowed the crowd of 150,000 spectators at the airshow to hear this historic SAREX contact. After Commander Cabana extended his greeting from space, Stafford asked about the Shuttle and living in space. General Stafford was quick to point out that "the Space Shuttle can be considered luxurious living as compared to that small capsule I flew in during my flight on Apollo-10 25 years ago". General Stafford thanked Commander Cabana for the contact and signed clear. One observation made by the SAREX team was the virtual silence of the aud- ience during this live exchange between the former astronaut and the Space Shuttle Commander as compared to the deafening roar of the crowd and the planes during the air show. It seemed that the audiance was truly trans- fixed by our (amateur radio's) ability to talk to an astronaut while they are in space. [The AMSAT News Service would like to thank the SAREX Working Group and Frank Bauer (KA3HDO) for this bulletin item. Others who deserve mention and assisted in this SAREX contact are listed below.] Members participating: Dick Flagg, WH6CJU in Hawaii Kerry Banke, N6IZW in San Diego Bob Douglas, W5GEL in Corpus Christi Frank Bauer, KA3HDO in Silver SPring, MD Lou McFadin, W5DID in Houston Gil Carman, WA5NOM in Houston Darome Telecommunications in Chicago /EX SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-204.04 WEEKLY OSCAR STATUS REPORTS HR AMSAT NEWS SERVICE BULLETIN 204.04 FROM AMSAT HQ SILVER SPRING, MD JULY 23, 1994 TO ALL RADIO AMATEURS BT BID: $ANS-204.04 Weekly OSCAR Status Reports: 23-JUL-94 AO-13: Current Transponder Operating Schedule: M QST *** AO-13 TRANSPONDER SCHEDULE *** 1994 Jul 11 - Sep 12 Mode-B : MA 0 to MA 90 | Omnis : MA 230 to MA 30 Mode-BS : MA 90 to MA 120 | Mode-S : MA 120 to MA 122 |<- S beacon only Mode-S : MA 122 to MA 145 |<- S transponder; B trsp. is OFF Mode-S : MA 145 to MA 150 |<- S beacon only Mode-BS : MA 150 to MA 180 | Blon/Blat 180/0 Mode-B : MA 180 to MA 256 | Move to attitude 230/0, Sep 12 [G3RUH/DB2OS/VK5AGR] DO-17: DO-17 still continues to transmit its voice message on a downlink frequency of 145.825 MHz. RS-10: N2WWD would like to pass on some observations regarding RS-10. The signal in the past week seems stronger than normal. More interesting than this is that it appears that the translation constant between the Mode-A passbands seems to have shifted by about 1 KHz. This translation constant appears to have moved from 5 KHz to 6 KHz (when the effects of Doppler shift are removed). Thus, in the past where 145.910/29.386 MHz would be a corres- onding uplink/downlink frequency pair, however, presently N2WWD needs to use 145.910/29.385 MHz to achieve the same results. This holds consistently for 3 different sets of Keplerian elements used. N2WWD would like to know if others have similar reports? [N2WWD] AO-21: The speech synthesizer will be reproducing Neil Armstrongs famous words that he spoke as he stepped upon the Moon's surface 25 years ago this past week. Listen for the downlink on 145.987 MHz FM. [DB2OS] The AMSAT NEWS Service (ANS) is looking for volunteers to contribute weekly OSCAR status reports. If you have a favorite OSCAR which you work on a regular basis and would like to contribute to this bulletin, please send your observations to WD0HHU at his CompuServe address of 70524,2272, on INTERNET at, or to his local packet BBS in the Denver, CO area, WD0HHU @ N0QCU. Also, if you find that the current set of orbital elements are not generating the correct AOS/LOS times at your QTH, PLEASE INCLUDE THAT INFORMATION AS WELL. The information you provide will be of value to all OSCAR enthusiasts. /EX ------------------------------ Date: 25 Jul 1994 07:00:52 GMT From:!agate!!!!!!! Subject: APT-Satellites: Report JULY 23, 1994 To: Observed at station 50.7 NLat, 7.1 ELon, JULY 23, 1994 NOAA-9: APT 137.62 On NOAA-10: APT 137.50 On NOAA-11: APT 137.62 On NOAA-12: APT 137.50 On Meteor 2-21: APT 137.85 *OFF* Meteor 3-5: APT 137.85 On Good images from all active APT-Satellites. +------------------------------------------+ |Peter Henne ( | | ( | |German Nat.Research Center.f.Comp.Science | |D-53754 St.AUGUSTIN, Germany | +------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 25 Jul 94 09:46:29 +1000 From:!agate!!!!msuinfo!!! Subject: Giant leap via AO-21 To: I heard an unusual message transmitted by AO-21 on a short, low elevation pass this weekend, on the 70cm - 2m FM translator output. It was unmistakable - Neil Armstrongs immortal words "One small step for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind." Then the satellite went below the horizon and the signal faded into the noise. Was this to mark the 25th anniversary of the moon landing or was someone in VK playing tricks? If the former, then the audio must have been digitally encoded and sent to the satellite for playback - another amazing function of the onboard DSP. Anyone else hear this? Any Comments? David VK3JKP ------------------------------ Date: 24 Jul 94 16:36:24 GMT From: Subject: Jupiter photos To: Where is best place to download pictures of comets hitting jupiter? thks, ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 24 Jul 1994 09:05:40 -0600 From: conch!!oakhill!val!afarm! Subject: Portable 9600 buad PacSat Station Design To: >Yes there is a version of the broadcast protocal for the Mac, funnily enough >it's called "Broadcast." I have version 2 and it was written by IW2CTJ. Do you have a location where this file can be downloaded? Ron W5RKN ------------------------------ End of Ham-Space Digest V94 #205 ******************************